Wonder B&B, Ely.
Catching up with stuff & listening to last night’s performance at Cambridge Junction.
15.53 A gentling lunch followed by bibliophiliacal tumescence in new &
secondhand establishments respectively.
Cathedral Close I...
John & Alex have just left for St. Andrew’s, Sutton. If we were working there 85 years ago, it would have looked like this…
23.55 Today St. Andrew’s is surrounded by buildings in a rapidly growing town.
English churches are rarely warm, and mostly under-funded. Vernacular double-glazing…
This evening was a Thanksgiving service for the recovering health of a local man, Stephen, badly injured in an accident. The vicar of St. Andrews’s introduced the service, followed by the witness of James, a friend of Stephen’s & a moving force in the event; then Soundscapes; then the vicar closing with prayers.
A good attendance, mainly of Stephen’s friends & locals. The temperature was cold (although not as cold as Newlyn) so I remained well covered. The feeling temperature was much warmer. No idea how the music was as music, nor the performance as performance event; but I doubt whether a critical appraisal of the merits of either has much relevance to the spirit of this evening. Subjectively: not as intense as Newlyn, but everything finds its level; and playing in a church is a blessing: this was a rare privilege to function properly as a musician.
Unsolicited comment (to John): it sounded like it was coming out of the stone.
This (short) tour is now vibrated. John & Alex leave around 08.00, without breakfasting, to return the SV I.2 to DGM HQ & the hire-van to Salisbury.